Logo Lineo Business Technologies (2x1) (1)

Lineo Business Technologies is an ISO-Certified India's first Growth as a Service (GaaS) international agency with over 5 years of experience. We work with you to build your brand so you can focus on the rest.

About Us

Lineo Business Technologies is a Growth as a Service (GaaS) Agency committed to deliver success to our clients across the globe. We are an international agency where our professional team create ideas and translate them into digital products and campaigns with better brand communication. To do so we use four pillars “Data, Creativity, Marketing and Technology” together to grow and thrive businesses.

Orange fruit representing growth of lineo clients
Plant kept on office desk of Lineo
Coffee cup kept on office desk of Lineo

Our Mission

Creating a transformational value for brands, businesses and professionals

for brands

We aim to elevate brands to new heights by crafting compelling narratives, designing immersive brand identities, and implementing strategic marketing campaigns. Our goal is to help brands establish a meaningful and lasting connection with their target audience, fostering brand loyalty and recognition.

For Businesses

Our mission revolves around unlocking full potential through data-driven insights and growth hacking, we help businesses expand their reach, optimize operations, and drive profitability. We strive to be the driving force behind sustainable growth and enhanced market presence.

For Professionals

Whether it’s startup consulting, market research, or personal branding, we empower professionals to navigate their industries with confidence. Our mission is to equip them with the resources they need to excel in today’s dynamic and competitive landscape.

We are a agency who has served 70+ businesses of all sizes from 20+ Industries, and has built 5 Startups from scratch with a 60% client retention rate.

Since 2019 we’ve been working with amazing clients to create meaningful impact and compelling experiences.



Clients & Projects



Industries Served



Services Offered



Brands Created

Our Principles

Creating a transformational value for brands, businesses and professionals

Clients business grow we win

Our success is intricately linked to the growth of our clients. We measure our achievements by the impact we make on their businesses, ensuring shared victories.

What we say we deliver

Our words translate into actions. We stand by our commitments, ensuring that what we promise aligns with what we deliver, building trust and reliability.

Learn Global, Implement Locally

We draw inspiration from global trends and practices, tailoring our solutions to the local context. This fusion allows us to offer relevant and impactful strategies.

Happy Team, Happy Client

A positive and motivated team culture radiates into our work. A content team creates content clients. We believe that a happy team is the foundation of client

Process-driven environment

We thrive on structured approaches. Our success stems from a process-driven environment that ensures consistency, efficiency, and quality in every endeavor.


We adopt a personalised approach, for our every solution to ensure our deliverables resonate with the specific needs and aspirations of our clients.

Our Growth Path and Journey

Each milestone signifies not just achievements, but the collective effort of our team and the trust of our clients. We remain steadfast in our mission to revolutionize the technology and marketing landscape, ushering in a new era of growth and innovation.

Ideation & Networking

Our journey embarked on ideation and the power of connections. In 2019, in a 10x10 hostel room, we sowed the seeds of innovation and initiated crucial relationships that would shape our path.

Started Sole Proprietor Firm

2020 marked a pivotal moment as we officially registered as a sole proprietor firm. This step solidified our commitment to our vision, allowing us to broaden our horizons and pursue new avenues.

Implementation & Hustle

The year 2021 was defined by implementation and relentless hustle. We transformed ideas into action, tirelessly working towards delivering exceptional solutions that ignited growth for our clients.

Incorporated Private Limited Company

Building on our journey, 2022 witnessed the official incorporation of Branndsjet Solutions Private Limited. This transformation allowed us to further amplify our capabilities and provide elevated services.

Pivots & Partnerships

In 2023, we embraced pivots and forged strategic partnerships that propelled us forward. This phase not only enriched our offerings but also enabled us to diversify and adapt to evolving industry dynamics.