Lineo Business Technologies an ISO Certified India's first Growth-as-a-Service (GaaS) Agency. We are one of the leading Email Marketing Services Agency. We craft personalised emails, leverage behavioural data for precise targeting, and deliver real-time results to boost your marketing ROI.
Lineo Business Technologies is a Growth-as-a-Service (GaaS) Agency committed to deliver success to our clients across the globe. We are an international agency where our professional team create ideas and translate them into digital products and campaigns with better brand communication. To do so we use four pillars "Data, Creativity, Marketing and Technology" together to grow and thrive businesses.
We think out of the box when it comes to strategy, design and creative. We make the projects that bring inspiration.
Lineo Business Technologies an ISO Certified India's first Growth-as-a-Service (GaaS) Agency will design and develop android app for your business as per your requirements.
Lineo Business Technologies an ISO Certified India's first Growth-as-a-Service (GaaS) Agency will design and develop iOS app for your business as per your requirements.
Lineo Business Technologies an ISO Certified India's first Growth-as-a-Service (GaaS) Agency will design and develop react native app for your business as per your requirements.
Lineo Business Technologies an ISO Certified India's first Growth-as-a-Service (GaaS) Agency will design and develop No-Code App for your business as per your requirements.
Learn how copywriting service can help different industries.
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Lineo is a leading copywriting agency based in Pune, India. Our team can develop applications that will meet your requirements and help you to grow your business. To do so we have professional experienced in using tools and frameworks mentioned below
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Share your vision or business requirements, and we will design and craft campaign that will drive conversions and results.
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Copywriting Copywriting Copywriting Copywriting Copywriting Copywriting
Share your vision or business requirements, and we will design and build full-stack or no-code mobile applications for business.
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Anything else?
Email marketing is NOT Dead.
India alone sends 8.2 billion emails per day.
The estimated revenue from email marketing services is to reach almost 12.5 billion by the end of 2024.
Marketers focus more on Ads, as they yield instant results.
If email marketing wasn’t effective, we wouldn’t be able to see these results.
Here’s how we explain the power of email marketing in 2024.
Consider a crowded marketplace, but instead of shouting , you have a direct line to interested customers. That’s the power of email marketing in 2024.
if you prefer more send us an email to [email protected]