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Quick walkaround of On page SEO services in Pune by Lineo.

Discover the essentials of On Page SEO with Lineo, a leading SEO service provider in Pune. This blog post delves into key strategies like keyword optimization, title and meta tag enhancement, and improving website speed, offering insights for boosting your website's search engine rankings and online visibility.
Graphic representing On Page SEO techniques, featuring symbols for website optimization, keyword research, and improved search rankings, highlighting Brandsjet's proficiency in SEO and digital marketing strategies.

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Did you know that 5% of the search traffic goes to the second page of the Google search engine results? And 95% of the traffic clicks on the first page results. Yeah, that is true and it tells how important it is to rank your business on the first page of SERP. There are many steps for optimizing the landing page or website but one of the fundamental steps is On page SEO.

If you want to find your business in the search engine, you really need to optimize your website or landing page. Before understanding what is On Page SEO let us understand the meaning of SEO

Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing your website in order to increase the traffic to generate more leads and visitors to the website. It plays an important role in internet and online business marketing.

Every business whether it is big or small needs to make its presence online and Lineo which is often regarded as one of the best SEO service-providing companies in Pune can help you with effective tactics and monetary gains.

SEO is generally divided into four categories

  1.       On Page SEO
  2.       Off  Page SEO
  3.       Technical SEO
  4.       Local SEO

Let us understand them in the depth

On Page SEO: – In simple words, we can say that page SEO is simply optimizing web pages for some specific keywords and aligning page-specific components such as titles, headings, and keywords that are essential for internal linking.  On-Page SEO process involves various activities like adding Title Tag, Various Meta Tags, h1, h2, h3, and h4 Tags, ALT & Title Tags, Image Optimization, and Responsiveness of the Website, Content Monitoring, & many more.

Off Page SEO: – This is the step that is about everything that does not happen on the website directly.  There are many off-page activities that take place outside of the website in order to gain more visibility on the website. These activities have the potential to influence search engine rankings.

Technical SEO: – This is also one of the main steps in SEO. It includes SEO tools and techniques that will help search engines understand the website. Technical SEO works on Page loading speed, relevance, First Experience, Caching, Rendering, Minify CSS, JS execution speed, Page redirection, Use of the latest media types, Security, and many more to help your page rank higher in organic searches and results.

Local SEO: – This includes generating local quality leads. Your business can benefit from targeted results with local optimization. Local SEO is an SEO activity that makes your company visible for geographically-related searches, specifically within Google’s Local Page.  It helps your business stand out – even if you don’t have a website – and helps drive more traffic to your premises through online leads. These leads are from people who are searching for products or services that your business offers; they are also likely to give you high conversing rates.

Here is a must on page SEO check list

 HTTP or HTTPS: – The‘s’ towards HTTPS implies that your site is secure. You will definitely require a secured webpage in order to make users trust your site and protect your site from hackers.

Analytics setup: – While doing on-page SEO you should set up an analytic tool if it is not on the page. It will help to track where your leads and deals are originating from. This gives the data of your consumer and web traffic.

Robot.txt: – This document which keeps the crawlers of search engines from slithering and indexing pages of your site which are going to be visible.

 Site errors: – This is a bad sign to the search engine about your site which tells that your site is not reliable and does not deserve a top-notch spot in the SERP. Some of the common mistakes involve 4XX blunders, copy pages, etc.

  Site Map: – Your XML sitemap is a rundown of the considerable number of pages on a site that you need a search engine to index.

 Page Speed: – Page speed is one of the major factors for client conversion. Client encounter is critical for search engines and also increases or decrease bounce rate. Page speed plays a major role in site positioning.

Meta components: – Copy title labels, meta descriptions, and site content would all be able to adversely affect your site’s search engine rankings and active visitor clicking percentage.

What are the 8 secret techniques which are implemented by Lineo to improve On page SEO

We integrate relevant keywords to your page according to our on-page strategies.

We optimize the title tag and Meta tag of your page.

We create user-friendly and relevant content on your page.

We optimize the images according to users’ and conversion perspectives.

We optimize the URL with different tools according to different perspectives.

We use internal linking inside the site to reduce the bounce rate of the site.

We use responsive website design or theme to grab the user’s attention.

We improve the speed of the website and its loading time.

Work with the best On page SEO optimizing company in Pune:-

If you are looking for the best On page SEO services in Pune then Lineo is there to help you with this. We are here to help you with all your queries and on-page activities and help your business rank on the first page of SERP.

also read, Best SEO Marketing Company in Pune.

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