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Website development trends for companies to grow in 2022-23. 

Discover the latest web development trends crucial for 2023. This insightful post covers everything from Progressive Web Apps and AI-powered chatbots to Mobile-First design. Learn how these trends can enhance user experience and performance, and see how Lineo leverages these innovations for cutting-edge website development.
Infographic showing top website development trends for 2023, including Progressive Web Apps, AI Chatbots, and Mobile-First Design, as implemented by Lineo.

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Are you a website owner or a web development company? Do you know how to stay competitive in the website industry? The answer is keeping up with the web development trends. Over the decades, website development has witnessed continuous evolution. Website development companies and website owners need to be aware of the changing trends in recent years to increase their website performance and user experience.

Let’s take a closer look at the top 12 trends in web development to implement for your business.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAS): Progressive Web Apps are not the latest trend but have a significant impact. It has replaced web apps for a good cause. It helps websites to load quickly and works on offline applications like Google Maps. Many companies are using PWAs for a better user experience including Uber, Pinterest, Twitter, and Starbucks. With the increase in the use of smartphones, one needs to use PWAs instead of old methods.

AI-Powered Chatbots: AI Chatbots are the latest trend in 2022 that is expected to meet the needs and match the behavior of users. AI chatbots leverage machine learning, techniques like information retrieval, and natural language processing. It has a versatile approach to help organizations perform functions faster with text and audio chats.

Single-Page Application: Single-Page Application is the game changer in website development. It is a web application based on JavaScript. In a visitor’s browser, it loads a single HTML page. It updates the contents of the page dynamically without refreshing it. Web design companies have adopted SPA widely like- Facebook, Twitter, and Google. For making SPA responsive, HTML5 and AJAX are used.

Dark Mode UI: In recent years websites with dark and low light had more traffic in comparison to other websites. Dark-mode user interfaces have gained immense popularity. Website development companies and big companies like Facebook and Google have implemented this trend.  You can have your Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter in dark mode. The visual design patterns attract visitors and they enjoy browsing.

Voice search: Why type when you can voice search and save time? In 2011 Google first introduced Voice search and since then people are loving it. Voice search is more relevant in website development than ever. Tech giants are entering the market to make products like Alexa and Siri which are Intelligent Virtual Assistants. Voice search results rank higher in search engines.

Accelerated Mobile pages: Website development companies are using AMP (accelerated mobile pages) to retain users by improving the functionality of the page. It helps in developing mobile-friendly websites and readable content. The trend of AMP showed that The Internet has become user-centric. It helps businesses to reach their target audience and save costs on UX.

Motion UI: Customers are attracted by richer and more interactive experiences and not only by mobile-friendly and faster digital experiences. Motion UI uses native app settings to predefine motions in websites in mobile applications to make them more responsive. Website development companies use Motion UI as a front-end framework. It can be added to the Website anywhere – transition, bounce, spin, element slide pin, etc.

Serverless Architecture: To prevent data loss, extra web development costs, and system overloading website development companies like Lineo, digital tech, and other big companies like Google, and Microsoft use Serverless Architecture. This technology runs on the cloud. Withstanding Zero administration it helps users run a code for virtually any type of backend service and apps. By 2025 the market of Serverless Architecture will grow to $21.1 billion.

Blockchain technology: The most popular technology Blockchain is gaining more popularity in website development. It keeps the website safe and secure from hacking and technical errors. However, this blockchain technology needs legal regulations, trading infrastructure, and hardware and software support.

Internet of things (IoT): In the future, IoT will play a big role in transforming website development. It increases reliability, improves scalability, and offers security and support to websites. It will help in making the advanced link between website layouts and functional models in websites. The website issues will be addressed efficiently and quickly.

API-First development:  This approach fulfills web development companies’ and users’ needs. API-first development allows developers to perform tasks and push the code while users are accessing the websites. The benefit of this trend is it increases the speed of delivery and reduces development expenses.

Mobile-first development: we come to our last trend but the most powerful. Mobile users access websites on their smartphones and thus web companies need to make websites mobile-friendly. It includes biometric authorization, delivery of a personalized experience to users based on Geolocation data, and one-click orders on e-commerce sites. Mobile-first development has become significant for web developers.

To meet customers’ needs and expectations web designing constantly changing and so does web development companies. Lineo is one the digital marketing company that provides website development services using new trends that suits your brand and business for the better.

Also read the article, How Technology Is Changing How We Treat “web Technologies”& “web Development.

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